Monica Chadha Nelly Agassi biennale image 0319_Final.jpg

New Forms for Citizenship


Form N-X00: New Forms for Citizenship



"The images and and short texts in the series Form N-X00: New Forms for Citizenship respond to contemporary understandings of citizenship. Revisiting the bureaucratic application for naturalization to the US, Form N-600, this series asks an international group of architects, designers, writers, artists, and thinkers to contribute their thoughts on how inclusion and exclusion are spatially constructed. By interrogating, speculating, and reflecting on different scales of belonging, this growing collection provokes and expands our current understanding of citizenship."

Voids of Exclusion

Chicago has systematically withheld the rights of citizens over the last forty years. The City has acknowledged their victimization under Commander Jon Burge. In a society where the police’s mission includes “protecting the lives, property, and rights of all people,” it was police who stripped the citizenship of primarily African American residents.

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Form N-X00 Series
Voids of Exclusion

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